One of the bad things about being dumped by an idiot is that the sex dries up. There. Is. No. More. Sex.
And this Saturday night coming will mark seven (count them) 7 weeks without sex.
This is some sort of Martie record. Even after the Ex-Fucker dumped me, I still had a fuck buddy going.
And masturbation can only take you so far. There is no substitute for the kissing, the touching, the excitement, the whispers, the cuddling. Masturbation is just check out some free porn on the net, all over, goodnight.
After the Easter Weekend Incident, I swore it would be a one off, until I met someone and took my time, knowing for sure it was going to be a lasting thing.
However, the last few nights, I've been really jumpy, and I just figured out why; I'm horny (horny horny horny tonight).
It's the same sort of feeling I used to get after not seeing Him for a couple of weeks, only, I think the length of time is due to the Easter Weekend Incident.
And what to do about my conundrum? I'm not real keen on picking up a guy in a pub after the last time; disco pashing, yes please, but no back to my house or his house again. I could be like my ex best friend and root him in the carpark, but you know, gravel rash, etc.
I could go straight for the jugular and advertise for reals on Adult matchmaker, but there's just something about it that doesn't appeal. Maybe it's the fact that I don't want to seem like I'm interviewing for a fuck buddy; the romantic in me would like it to be a natural progression from a friendship/attraction. Yeah, fat chance.
So how else does one meet a fuck buddy? From where I'm sitting, there's not a lot of options. So perhaps I'll just have to stick to internet porn and my own spank bank for now.
Even so, I'd still have to 'tidy myself up' for any action. HAHAHA.