Sunday, August 14, 2005

Parking Police

Well. This post contains no alcohol use, sex or nudity. Feel free to boo and hiss as you please.

Following on from Margaret's, ahh sorry, Caz's use of haiku to review The Wedding Crashers, I'm going to have my two cents worth.

Vince Vaughn. HoTTness! (Sorry Snub22 - we can share right??)

Apart from that, I really have nothing to say. Too many unexplained and patchy bits. Too many lines that I'd already seen in the previews. Too much time for fantapants Home & Away 'star'-turned-Ali-G-fucking Isla Fisher. There were funny parts ("I'm going to my room. To paint homo things") but apart from that, I was disappointed.

So, my weekend didn't eventuate much beyond that. I am now however, a danger to society - my PT taught me how to do roundhouse kicks on Friday night.

Today, I thought I'd pop over to Chadstone for a while. Trying to get a carpark in that fucking place is a nightmare. So much so for one person, that they decided that they'd park right in the middle of the road. Thus making it next to impossible for cars to back out of the carparks behind.

I watched some poor bitch try for 20 minutes - in / out & in / out - until she finally got out. I reversed the Love Chariot in, but by that stage, was pretty pissed, so I pulled out my notebook, and decided to leave a friendly greeting on the fucker's car.

They were lucky they didn't get the first draft.

So now, after my community service good deed for the week, and my newly aquired kickboxing skills, I'm feeling pumped. I'm feeling psyched. I'm feeling much like this guy:

A Bounty Hunter. A RENEGADE.


DJ said...

Your profile pic's gone to god again

Anonymous said...

Is that Lorenzo Lamas? He's on The Bold and The Beautiful at the moment. Did I just admit I watch that show?

Yes, and even worse, I download it so I can watch it earlier.

Sad, sad, girl Jessica!

Jessica from

Martie said...

It is Lorenzo himself, Jessica.

My late night TV idol.