You ain't no hollerback girl, Mum
Earlier this year, we farewelled The Golden Child, as he headed off to the Land of the Rising Sun to teach English.
He & his best friend detail their exploits here, however I can sum it up for you quite quickly; beer; women; drinking; touristy stuff; sake; bars; missing last train; drinking. I also think there might be some teaching of English in there somewhere, but don't quote me.
In one of his latest posts, he has declared that he is in love with one of his Japanese girlfriends. Halleluja! It's about time the kid got lucky in love.
However, whilst the remains of our family sat around and discussed this latest overseas development; The Mothership was just sitting there with a pained look on her face, unable to say anything. I could see that she was really struggling with something, so I asked her what was wrong...
And The Mothership, bless her little heart, came out with this:
"Martie, he hasn't got himself one of those Harry Juku girls, has he???"
Fuck Me. Even my mother has been bitten by the Gwen Stefani bug. This shit is b-a-n-a-n-a-s