Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wild Card, draw four

If you see someone on the train, calling their mobile phone a cunt, and generally looking pissed off, don't be alarmed kiddies.

It's just ME, being totally absorbed into the mobile phone game of UNO.

Yeah, I don't get out much.

Except for this weekend; they are letting me out on Friday AND Saturday night. Someone have an ambulance standing by; my heart might not be able to keep up with all this FUN I am supposed to be having.

Mind you, I could very well end up in a dark corner playing UNO...


AS said...

Mars reckons she was sitting next to you on the train today. she took a picture of you on her phone to prove it.

creepy, huh?

Michael H said...

Uno and some cold rock ice cream, sounds like my kinda date.