Sunday, April 24, 2005


We walked into the establishment last night; the first comment that came to everyone's lips was "gosh, there does seem to be a lot of blonde here tonight". Or words to that effect. Having decided we were going to have a 'quiet' one (ie - not get shitfaced); we got involved in the age old argument made famous by this gal. Do Blondes Really Have More Fun?

So, sitting back, drinking the dreaded purple drinks again, we catergorised the blondes into their several sub-blonde sections. Sitting from atop of our brunette perches never felt so good*

The Naturals: AKA The ones you could take home to Mum

These were the ones who had the natural blonde hair thing happening, and you could tell. Sure there may have been a few highlights here and there, but nothing more of an enhancement. From our observations, these blondes had the most admiring glances from the men in da house.

The Dirty Blondes: AKA The ones you wouldn't take home to Mum.

Dirty because they had that blondey-browney thing happening? Probably. But more-so from their dirty dancing. These girls had the heavily blonded hair, with that slight yellow look, and many with an inch+ of roots coming through. These blondes looked as though they were having the most fun; and more of them got a bit of mancandy action than anyone else from what we could tell.

The Donatellas: AKA The Barbie Dolls

Named from their tendancy to dye their hair completely platinum blonde and looking as though they just got off the plane from Ibiza all year round, these blondes tended to be of a slightly older age. Quite possibly because their generation never learnt the benefits of being understated. Everything about these chicks was over the top: the long blonde hair; permatan; overly excessive make-up (including hideous dark brown lip liner with bright red lips); and too tight/revealing clothes. Definitely a favourite with the older males, and as the night wore on, a favourite with the 20 year old boys as well.

The Normals: AKA The Everyday Blondes

This sub-section were not embracing their blondeness like all the other sections. They weren't the wholesome-y goodness of the Naturals, nor were they the skankness of the Dirties. They were definitely not Donatellas either. You've heard of the experession 'mousey brown'? Well we decided it applied in this case. Mousey Blondes. Quite content to sit and talk wit their friends over a quiet drink. Quite possibly about Brunette sub-sections.

CONCLUSION: Did the blondes last night really have more fun? Does fun constitute sleazy guys who haven't quite moved out of the '80s constantly hitting on you? It must be noted that more Blondes received male attention than the Brunettes last night, which really suggests that it really gets down to the individual's idea of fun. Which was impossible to measure comparably, and thus rendered our study useless. Being so frustrated with lack of results (both scientifically and mancandy-ly), we then proceeded to get shitfaced. So much for good intentions.

*Writer may or may not acknowledge that she was blonde in a previous life; quite possibly as late as three years ago. However, all photographic evidence is now 'lost' and the days of the eyebrows-not-quite-matching-the-hair are now but a distant memory.


Ben said...

Hey Homes,

Thanks for the link, I shall return the favour pronto.
And how did you manage to get shit-faced on Bacardi Breezers? You must have a strong bladder and alot of money - my kinda girl.

Luv Ben
things i've written

Martie said...

Get shitfaced on Bacardi breezers = drink a shitload.

Somehow vodka doesn't get me messy anymore. Perhaps there's Russian in my lineage.

Speaking about Bacardi Breezers - any inside goss about what's going to replace Wild Bills? Since my Bro's traded up the Soufland retail caper for the big, wide world, don't get to hear anything anymore. Such a shame too, I would have loved to have gone back to relive my youth!

Desci said...

Freakishly insightful. I know chicks who fall into all these sections, hee!

Anonymous said...

Its been so long between drinks for me now I fear a bacardi breezer would have me on the floor. The shame of it.

- Caz.

Jamie said...

I'd say Caz was a two-pot screamer, but two pots is at least one more than is required these days...

Ben said...

I heard on 'da streets' a while back that they were going to build a Pancake Parlour.

But I haven't heard anything since, maybe it was just wishful thinking - I love a good crepe.