Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Alternative uses for frozen peas, carrots & corn & FREE TEST!!!! DO MY FREE TEST!!!! NOW!!! DO IT!!!! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!!

Wah. Bad news: I'm now a cripple again; for the first time in 2.5 years, since my calf injury, I decided to see how I went playing netball again. It was only vegie stuff, but I guess you have to start somewhere, right?

BUT I DIDN'T EVEN GET A START! I played one half, then at the start of the second, I felt a big fucking POP in my calf, and folks, it's all over. I'm unable to walk - I'm just hoping it's not the same as last time ("there's a chance we may have to amputate").

So it started me thinking about all the injuries I've ever had: I probably should have invested in my own set of crutches or something, as I seem to spend a great deal of time on them. Maybe I'm being punished because I was meant to be playing squash with Jungle Boy last night instead, but as soon as I got the call, I ditched him like a hot potato (or whatevs).

Damn Damn Damn. It seems like whenever I turn a corner (financially, health, happiness-wise), I always seem to run into a fucking brick wall. I didn't break any mirrors, I swear. But I'm still lying here in bed, with the vegetable contents of my freezer melting away on my leg. FUCK! There goes $4!

Anyways, the delightful Ms E. Pen tagged me but alas, I have already completed her lovely meme. So, in honour of staying in bed all day, I have created my own meme, or rather, 'Martie's fabulous-ness personality-slash-sexuality-slash-chinese horoscope-slash-what kind of animal are you test!'

The test: Simply note your answers in the comments section, and I will analyse for you and advise what sort of personality you are/what animal you were in a different life. For free! Bonus!


What sort of M&M are you?
a) - plain chocolate
b) - oddly shaped peanut
c) - M&M minis
d) - crispy mint
e) - whatever promotional flavour they are running at the time

If you had to be an animal in your next life, which would you choose:
a) - Tiger
b) - Horse
c) - Cow
d) - Rabbit
e) - Paris Hilton's pet

Favourite day of the week:
a) - Friday
b) - Monday
c) - Wednesday/Hump day
d) - Saturday
e) - None of the above

Favourite sexual position:
a) - On top
b) - On bottom
c) - In the middle
d) - In the grandstand at a packed football match
e) - In front of the TV

Favourite Number:
a) - 4
b) - 1
c) - 16
d) - 7
e) - 99

Okay, so who is going to be my first victim customer?????


Puss In Boots said...

1(c), 2(a), 3(e) - I like Thursdays, 4(b), 5(c) - I actually like 8, but I figured 16 was twice that, so twice as good!

So, what'd I win for being first?

And comiserations on your injury. It sucks being handicapped.

Enny said...

*sigh* - Apols for taggin' the tagged!

So here's I go:


I came first of all the others that didn' come first, so I shsould also be laden with prize =o)

Cookie said...

4b (I'm lazy)

(LOng time reader, first time commenter)

Martie said...

Puss - Hmmmm, okay by my psycho-kinetic ultra magnific head powers, I have deduced the following from your answers:

M&M Minis - You enjoy spending your time in litle coloured tubes - you sure are a kinky little puss.
Tiger - By choosing the Tiger, you are really saying that you are 'king of the jungle', but without all the messy facial hair and stuff. You are more like the silent partner.
Thursday - By choosing Thursday, it means you like excitement and anticipation, much like Thursday is to Friday - so I take it the kinky tubes are not a regular thing?
Bottom - By choosing 'On Bottom' it means you like to be dominated, and should probably chain yourself to the coloured tube sometime.
16 - Oh dear. This obviously means you are going to have 16 babies. Before you start sticky-taping your legs together, not all of them will come from 'there'. Rainbow family - Hell Yes! should be your motto. Now all you have to do is find your Brad.

Epen - alrighty, I put on my coloured headscarf and shined my crystal ball, and here are my predictions for you:

Choc M&M's - You are quiet & dependable, and quite possible red in colour. Everyone will keep coming back to you, because you are the original and THE BEST.
Tiger - You chose Tiger because you like to ROARRRRRRRRR behind closed doors, on the floor, to be sure. Um yeah. Oh also, you make great 'balm' for injured people. Thanks.
On Top - You are a bitchy, leather-wearing dominatrix, who is doing a thriving trade in Canberra town, and wants to expand the business into other states. Go to a franchising seminar, stat.
4 - You must drink 4 cruisers, in four different colours, in order to progress to the next round.

And um, as for who was first, I don't know what happened there, but you and Puss can jelly fight it out, or something.

Snapped, welcome to the fold. For you, I've gone all out, and covered the tent in some fabulous purple velvet, with a mist machine for extra ambience.

M&M Minis - You don't happen to know Puss do you? I identify you as championing the mini causes, like why Pink M&M's in the real size haven't been introduced yet. Keep up the good work.
Paris Hilton's Pet - You are obviously not seeing enough vadge. Get out there, or get a handheld mirror (gender cannot penetrate my psychic force field)
Friday - You're just party party party! You live for the moment. Fridays scream explosions, and you are the detonator!
On Bottom - No, not lazy, you just have incredibly strong legs. Have you thought about taking up speed skating at the Winter Olympics???
7 - 7 is the answer to everything. You are wise, my child. Take this knowledge with your, and you will avoid being dumped at the RSPCA along with all of Paris' other pets.

Okay, who's next???

Anonymous said...

Ok after reading your interpretations this was just too tempting.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I've never had a psychic reading before! Tell me about myself, oh wise one...

1) b
2) b
3) d
4) e
5) d

Best keep this anonymous, I'm scared of what you'll uncover!

Martie said...

Kerces - Mysterious Martie tempts in many ways ;-). Let's see what the cards have uncovered for you:
Peanut M&M's - You are of course, oddly shaped, but no matter - people still want to devour you anyway. I can feel you are full of surprises and are not quite who you seem.
Tiger - You are proud, with a long tradition, but ultimately end up letting your supporters down. I forsee health problems - do be careful and try not to break a leg.
Friday - You perform best under lights, don't you? You procrastinate, but get the job done at the last minute and what a brilliant job it is too. However, try not to clock watch too much, or people will start getting pissed off.
On Bottom - You dream of installing a mirror above your bed so you can check your form. You have great directoral ability and you're not afraid to use it - those legs have to be positioned 'just so'. I see cameras, I see make-up, I hear "Cut".
4 - Four is number of hot German porn stars that will travel in your director's posse.

Anonymous - Fear not my child, I will not uncover anything that you do not already know in your heart. Let me channel your energy, and begin:
Peanut M&M's: You're always second, aren't you? Stay strong though, because sometimes second isn't so bad. Case in point; Shannon Noll, Anthony Callea. On second thoughts, I feel you gotta lift, just a little bit more.
Horse - You are obviously male, with a very small penis. You wish you could be a horse, so you could star in bestiality movies with hot German chicks er, strokin' 'it'. Or, you are female, and you need some hot lovin'. Either way, always remember wise chinese proverb: 'It's not the size of the ocean, it's the motion of the ocean'.
Saturday - The all-round good timer. You work to live and everyone enjoys being around you because they're always assured of a good time. Remember to take it easy though; sometimes Gilmore Girls are a good option.
In front of the TV - Sometimes, Gilmore Girls isn't the right option, mmmkay?

Martie said...

Ahhh Ruby, my mystical magikal powers have drawn you to me; come let us see what the mysterious buddha has to say about your answers:

Peanut M&Ms - Good on you for dressing in yellow and getting away without looking like Big Bird. On the other hand though, it's going to be hard to get people to stop sucking you. Good luck!
Tiger - Good on you for getting away with dressing in yellow & black stripes - even better. You wish to be a Tiger, because in this life, you couldn't run very fast, so you really want to win those primary school sports, then when you've won, turn around and eat all your enemies as well.
Friday - Friday is fish & chip day. You like fish & chips. When you are a tiger in your next life, you won't be able to catch fish very well at all. Although by that stage, tigers will have advanced enough to cook chips, so relax kiddo.
In the Middle - You like Chip Sandwiches. With tartare sauce.
4 - The amount of tiger wisdom, times 1000, that you have about blogging crushes ;-)

divinetrash said...

Dr. Martie; I need some analysis. And your test, unlike a shrink, won't cost $100 for 50 mins.


Lay it on me, Doc. (P.S. Hope you're feeling better!)

Martie said...

That's the benefit that Mysterious Martie has, oh Divine dahling. Plus I'm 100% accurate and factual*

Open those palms up and let's have a look:

Crispy Mint - You are fabulous, creative and fresh! You are a zesty little bugger, but you have some work to do before you can outshine all others.
Horse - That one you have your eye on is more than likely is going to don a check shirt and live on a mountain *wink wink nudge nudge*
Friday - OMGWTFBBQ!!!1!, this totally reinforces the fresh & fabulous statement from before. Why? Because Friday also starts with an 'F'. Always remember your destiny works in mysterious ways.
On Bottom - Because you get so worn out from being fabulous, fresh, funky, etc, etc, that by the time fornication comes around, you just want a rest! Obviously.
4 - As if I need to spell it out 'F'our. Plus this is how many minutes were remaining from your reading, before I did start charging ;-)

And if you needed further proof that your future will revolve around the letter 'f', my word verification starts with 'f'.
Thank you, come again.

*This part may not actually be 100% true

tokenwoman said...

Since I was away last week, hope it isn't too much trouble to be all magikal and mysterious for me too.

1- b
2- c
3- a
4- a
5- e

Thanks, oh wonderous one.

Martie said...

Sorry about the delay TW - I have been recharging my mysterious powers - I'm now getting visions, let's check them out:

Peanut - You want to be different; you want to stand away from the crowd. But you only manage to do it a little bit. Mind you, if you said M&M Almond Special Edition, then you'd be all the way there. You just need to use your new found confidence to push yourself over the line.
Cow - You're Indian, and feel a deep religious drive within yourself this lifetime, to come back as the most sacred of idols, to honour your faith. Either that, or you want it guaranteed that someone will play with your tits everyday.
Friday - Your holy day. When you mix your potions and lotions and come up with fixes for fevers, etc. You might also prescribe a visit to the dancefloor for extra spiritual clarity.
On Top - The extra work will help you sweat the fever out.
99 - Career Guidance Path - Secret Agent.

Erica said...

Ooh, this sounds like fun! And what a good way to lose my virginity (commenting on your blog virginity that is)


BTW, I like what you've done with the silver and velvet in this tent.

Martie said...

1000 apologies Erica, I was off a a mysterious conference - but now, let's step inside my tent and see what lies in store for you:

Peanut M&M's - Odd things arouse your curiousity. You find them hard to resist. Be careful though, because sometimes they are not what they seem.
Horse - Giddey up, pardner! The fact the you chose horse, is because you harbour secret desires to become a jockey. Which is odd. However, requirements to keep your weight below 40kgs is prohibitive, and just plain wrong. Also, it doesn't work in well with your love of M&M's. Choose another career.
None of the above - Odd odd ODD. However, I'm feeling that you like Tuesday, because of the running of the Melbourne Cup. Dahlink, you need a silk dress, not a silk blowse. Even if they do come with matching caps.
On Bottom - Good. For once, let the horse do all the work.
99 - Your odds of winning. Tally Ho!

Have you had your future/personality/stars aligned by Mysterious Martie yet? Go on, find out *exactly* where you are headed...

Erica said...

Hahaha! You're so right. I have always had a penchant for odd things. Although I'm not such a fan of the races or anything to do with them. Perhaps I have some kind of deeply hidden, latent desire to become a regular race-goer (or whatever the more fancy word for them is).