Monday, March 06, 2006

You missed a spot & you're also dumped.

I'm back in my little house again, all by my lonesome. Waiting for the big nest of spiders that obviously would have gathered without being disturbed all week, to jump out and attack me. It's unfair to attack cripples.

Needless to say, the spray and wash is sleeping next to me tonight.

Anyway, I am kinda feeling down after leaving the mother(and father)ship's tonight. I miss having the company, and obviously someone to get me a drink (SO FUCKING THIRSTY). I don't miss not having my own space though, and peace & quiet, & the opportunity to walk (crutch) around in my undies.

The MasterFucker is all "You need to remember I have lawns and cleaning to do". Congrat-u-fucking-lations if you scrub the shit out of your shower every week. I don't. And I'm not grubby, or dirty, or slobby, or even dead yet.

I've planned the 'talk' with him for this weekend BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY TIME HE IS AVAILABLE. And that's if he gets all his housework done by the weekend. Dude, they're called cleaning ladies.

Meanwhile, I have to concentrate on going back to work, and being busy like fuck, because no one else knows how to operate anything in there. Should be interesting trying to put clothes/shoes on tomorrow.

I am scared to go to sleep, because what happens if a burglar gets in, and tries to attack me, and I can't fight back or run away because I only have use of one leg? It's times like these I need crispy mint M&M's and god damn diet coke, if only to keep me up all night.

Clearly, I am scared of the dark.

1 comment:

The Mutant said...

There is a perfectly simple solution to your burgular situation... If he's an ugmo, smack him sensless with your crutches. If he's one of those cool bad-boy types with a kick arse scar, prison-built body covered in tatts and a fuck-off attitude, then play "victim" and keep him coming all night long!

Problem solved!