Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Nutty Professor

Do you ever catch yourself introducing words and phrases into your normal everyday conversation that you garner from our mainstream, and sometimes not so mainstream, forms of media?

Do you surf a website and find yourself calling every second person 'mang', or similar? (Thanks, Caz).

Do you hear the 'Counting the beat' song on the radio, and immediately think of what you need to buy, immediately, from K-mart?

Do you find yourself going to discotheques, and singing "Get out on the floor", from the Dancing With the Stars tune when your crazy mates are trying to decide the 'right' moment to cut a rug? No? Ummmmmmm, ok, let's move on shall we...

Anyway, I now find myself in this position again.

Ask me how I am; how something is; answer my question correctly, or agree with me, etc, etc and for the answer in the affirmative, I catch myself saying "Way cool with the Tint Professor". Seen the ad? You know what I'm talking 'bout then. Dot com dot AU.

So, everthing's fucking way cool with the fucking tint professor then. I'm sure it's driving people nuts. It's a bit like several years back, whenever you would ask someone "Where you going", they'd reply "Australian Lighting", like it was the wittiest thing on earth. Funny, ha ha.

So, ask me to describe something. It's way cool eith the tint professor, mmmkay? It's all way cool; my blogging crush is even way cool with the tint professor, in his own, slightly offbeat way(!) Which of course, leads me to deduce that my Blogging Crush, if indeed, he reads this post at all, will think I am some sort of nuffy, and will run through cyber space in the opposite direction at 100 millions miles an hour. Is it really such a good idea to be laying bare all these disturbing, slightly peculiar facts about myself on the interwebs for my Blogging Crush to pick up on?

So. One for the boys. And the girls too, because you always give good head answers too:

"If you were my Blogging Crush, would you mind being described as 'way cool with the tint professor'?


Anonymous said...

I know those words, but what you just wrote made no sense to me.

Puss In Boots said...

What the? This must be a non-qld thing. Who the hell is the tint professor and where the hell is Australian Lighting?

Anonymous said...

I dream of being your blog crush and pine for being "way cool with the tint professor".

Bloggers are all about the pop culture mang. 73.8% of all blog posts reference current cultural trends.

Martie said...

Flash - my actual words don't make any sense, or just the tint professor part?

Puss (& Flash) - Oh dear, I apologise for a very Melbourne-centric post. I sometimes forget TV & radio is not the same all over the country.
The Tint Professor is a car window tinting company that use crappy rapping to advertise to be cool, hence the catchphrase "way cool with the Tint Professor"
Australian Lighting was a lighting company where some ugly dude would run around with a microphone and ask no-so-unsuspecting bogans in the street "Where you going?" Coincidentally, they all said "Oztrayan Lighting".

My Bad.

Bruce - I am impressed with you statistic ;-) However somewhat disturbed that The Tint Professor has entered the pop culture vernacular.

Desci said...

*I* think you way cool with the Tint Professor, m'dear. If I get a fake 'tashe and a strap on, am I in the running to be your next Internet Crush? Gaun...

Hambo said...

Hey hey hey, Martie, Mang was one of my "Words of the week" before Caz popularized it.

Hambo said...

Oh and where is the link to this "Blogging Crush" that is hidden within your words?

You have a Crush of Courtney from Shards don't you?

Martie said...

The chick with the ugly cleave, that washes the car after it's tinted??

That's impressive.

As far as skanky diseases go, according to the Ex Fucker I've given him AIDS & HERPES, so seems like the skank party is down here. So probably most fortunate for Dollop, he is not my blogging crush.

Martie said...


Desci - you know you are totally my girl blogging crush already, totally sans strap on please. I hate plastic object!!!

Hambo - y'heard Caz. And no, it's not Courtney from Shards, no matter how emo I try to be. And the clues are there, you just have to read carefully.

Dollop - this of course, is probably most likely.

Hambo said...

Hmmmm, do I suspect that he may have a crush on Melbourne Trams? Reading the latest post, I suspect he doesn't live in Melbourne, which for me is and isn't good.