Monday, March 19, 2007

The likely suspects...

Focusing elsewhere, focusing elsewhere. Taking my mind off things. Relax. Deep Breath. Enny had a great idea, do you reckon I can get my Dad to dump him by proxy? (Also, Hack, you are right).

More pictures of fucking ice, hey?!

NOTE: Possible 2007 Big Brother Friday Night Games Apparatus

If anyone decides to ever have a text message conversation with me again, ever, I will seriously kill them with the very phone their messages are coming from.


Self Portrait



Jamie said...

I didn;t mean to be harsh, Martie. All the same, the boy must have something going for him. Is he hung like a stallion?

Chin up. You can do much better that Wally McFuck-knuckle.

Enny said...

Screw your dad*, get the hack to dump him!

*not literally**

**although you could proddly get a breakup out of it...