Saturday, September 30, 2006

Nothing to be excited about except for hotdogs

Gosh, why aren't you at a pub/BBQ watching the biggest game of the year?

After years of trying to join the 100 club (100 shots of beer in 100 minutes), I feel a little old and a little jaded. I had a choice of watching with a bunch of drunken wankers at a pub in Richmond, or with a bunch of drunken wankers at a BBQ closer to home. Awesome. So I chose to sleep in and cook a hotdog instead.

You sound depressed

No, not quite. Just pissed off at the world. It'll pass. How can it not - it's such a beautiful day in Melbourne.

For a supposed football fan, isn't not watching the GF a little strange?
Fuck no. It's not like I'm not watching it. I was flicking over on the ad breaks between Gone With The Wind, until they inexplicably put some Talk To The Animals rip off show on as the interval. Now I don't think they're going back. Who the fuck programmes like that??? Fucktards.

Anyway, where was I? Yes, I did sit outside and try to get the broadcast on my crappy radio, and eat ice-cream, all the while inducing skin cancer, but it was just a lot of hiss and crackle, so I've succumbed to the TV.

Can you cook us hotdogs too?

Well, when I said I chose to cook a hotdog, it was techically correct. However, this would involve going to Safeway and actually buying one. So yeah, when I actually get around to doing that, it's hotdogs allround at Martie's house.

So what are you going to eat??!!!?

Well, I did have the aforementioned ice-cream - Cadbury' peppermint, if you don't mind. And my parents have very kindly invited me up for pizza tonight. Awesome.


Well wouldn't you be if your best friend dumped you for a guy; your (completely wrong) crush is too busy with Ebay to see you and you're not really in a drinking mood?

You need to fuck off people in your life that fuck you around.

Tell me about it, stud.

What about Teh Sex?? Tell us about Teh Sex!

It's always about teh sex with you people, isn't it? There are more pressing matters...such as why Barry Hall is having such a dog of a game. I can't think about Teh Sex when I look and feel like this:



Kate said...

hahahaha at least you sat int he sun. I stayed inside and blogged while the big game was on.

Now I am off to attempt to get my lazy arse moving in an attempt at exercise.

Hambo said...

I don't follow teh game, but i got invited to a mates tennis club to watch teh game. $2 beers, yes please.

Although I should of went with plan b and skipped plan c. plan a however went out the window thanks to work the night before.

tokenwoman said...

They only played part 1 of Gone With the Wind here, not happy... Part 2 is this Saturday.

I fell asleep in front of the TV watching the game yesterday... Woke up to see West Coast win though.

Was the pizza good?

Anonymous said...

bwahahaha, Martie that pic is truely hidious! Where do you find such things??

Martie said...

Kate - WTF? Exercise? You're doing better than me. Also - happy b'day for last Wednesday too.

Hambo - You and your plans! Nice drunk text too - didn't get it until this afternoon when I finally charged my phone.

Token - Is that what they're doing? Who is running Channel 9? And yes, the pizza was very nice, TY.

Chika - Why, that's me, after Friday night work drinks...

Anonymous said...

That 'knuckle-whitening' last quarter? I got off the couch and went to bed. Sports Shmorts.

Mars said...

Best. Post. Ever.

Mushrooms are ok. I hate tomato, personally.