Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Nerd Facts Needed

I appear to be dating a nerd. A looks so cute he's hot when wearing glasses, lots of computers, speaks about geeky things nerd. See previous post about our first date here, and since then, we have had two more.

Our first kiss was in the casino carpark on Friday night. It was so cute, he asked me if he could kiss me. *Swoon* It was something out of an old fashioned romance movie. And it was sweet, so sweet. He wanted to do something the next night, but I was already taking the Tart out for dinner, so had to regretfully decline.

Then last night, I drove TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD (Watsonia) for dinner. I drove up and down Banksia St for a good 10 minutes, wondering where the fuck Rosanna Rd was (Whoops, silly me. Of course I should have guess from the non-signage that Lower Heidelberg Rd turned into Rosanna Rd half way down. What was I thinking?) and finally made it after an hour and a half, and we sat down to a VEGETARIAN PIZZA WITH HAM!

No, I did not fucking get it either.

But after the Banksia St episode and peak hour driving in unfamiliar territory, I was quite flustered and did not even bat one carefully made-up-in-work-bathroom-eyelid at dinner. Unfortunately, I didn't really bat much at all. I was a little intimidated and nervous, and my *ahem* sparkling wit deserted me.

His extensive knowledge of Seinfeld and TV in general, and computers and cool retro stuff like super nintendos converted onto PC flapped the normal unflappable me. I feel inadequate that I haven't seen all the Star Wars movies, or learnt how to burn CD's. Or that I didn't order some big fuck-off joystick from America to play games on my PC.

I guess plane spotting and ship watching don't cut the mustard in nerd world.

So I need help, dearest reader. Point me in the direction of true nerd-dom and show me the light.

I don't want to get all Beyond-3000 on his arse, just, understand a bit better.

I need websites / movies / technology things.....DAMN! I hate being smitten. Such a silly girly thing. Bah! The planes aren't looking like a bad option after all.


Jamie said...

Talk to Hambo about suck things. He talks about technology and shit until my fucking eyes glaze over...

Jamie said...

Opps ... such things...

Martie said...

Hmmm. Freudian Slip???

Anonymous said...

Hey...I'm a major girlie girl, who only has enough pc skills to maybe impress some upstairs manager types (who have no pc skills), and I live with a graduate from the Bachelor of Multimedia Software Development. So he's a major nerd (sorry sweetie!) - programmer, web designer, x-files fan - the whole deal. But we've been together for almost six years, and it works because I am not his carbon copy.
Different interests are a great thing, but I find that if you want to get a nerd's motor running, they're normally all obsessed with some form of pop culture.
James Bond, Futurama, Monty Python... they're all a little easier for girls like us to research and feign interest in than portals and binary code.
And who knows, you might actually grow to like some of those things!

Anonymous said...

How can we be sure she isn't dating Hambo? Huh? Apart from the fact he doesn't wear glasses and never leaves the house.

- Caz.

Martie said...

Janet - I'm not really a girlie girl, but the science fiction thing doesn't do it for me either! Me thinks that I'll just have to hire out Star Wars movies and such. And yeah, I don't want to be a carbon copy of him, just understand it a bit better, so I don't have such a blank look on my face. But thanks heaps!

Caz - Does Hambo 'date'?? Hahahahaha

DJ said...

Hey wait a sec, what about just being YOU, rather than being busted for trying to be nerdy, just be yourself, and if he's into you then he'll tone it down for you (Or help you catch up which might be fun too!)

Martie said...

eh....leave it to a DJ to point out what's right...

You're too right, I should just be myself no matter what my intentions were I should just me and if he's not that into me, well it was never meant to happen.

At least there's always jonathan.

Oh wait, no there's not

Hambo said...

Im not all-the-way nerd, I havn't seen episodes 2,4,5 and 6 of Star Wars (I'd include 3 aswell, but isn't that not out yet? Either way, just proves Im not all-the-way nerd).

Martie, if the Hack can burn CD's, anyone can.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the blank look! But you have a good attitude... there's nothing worse than a person turning into their partner.
If you're together a while, the things he says will actually start to make their own kind of sense... not that you could then go and communicate them to other people!
This could be the cheesiest idea ever, but what if you alternated date activities (seriously does ANYONE 'date' anymore?) One weekend he exposes you to a geek film extravaganza, next week, something more to your taste. Perhaps? Good luck anyway, stay smitten!

Anonymous said...

Hee! We're both going out with nerdlingers. Rocks.

- Desci xo