Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Are you a Random Policeman I can kiss?

Hope everyone had a terrifically wonderful Christmas and fucking massive hangovers on Boxing Day. Hope your Christmases weren't filled with dressing gowns masquerading as a present from your supposed boyfriend on your first christmas together. Like, the fuck?

Decided to forget all about the dressing gown incident, and spend a few days down the coast, relaxing. So, now, I'm back home to do some washing, then I'm spending another fews days down the other coast for some more,um, relaxing. Not a dressing gown or Jungle Boy in sight. Fuck Yeah!

Don't have a fucking clue what I'm doing for NYE - am I too old to think that going out and getting smashed and kissing randoms is fun (although a bit of policeman pashing is always HOTT)? I can only remember one NYE where I actually enjoyed myself immensely the whole night - every other time I have felt let down that the 'Biggest Party Night of the Year' has failed to deliver.

I know some people threaten to 'stay home' & to boycott NYE, but really it's an empty threat. These are the types who have got about a million things to do, but declare their false intentions in the hope of getting sympathy, and coos of 'but you've got a million things to do' from their minons friends. Ego boosting at it's finest, ladies and gentlemen.

I am not afraid to say that I WANT to do something on NYE, the question is, what? I asked Jungle Boy today if we were doing anything: standard answer "I don't know. What do you want to do?" Should have known, but somewhere in my heart I was hoping for something more like this: "Let's go out and have dinner somewhere; get happily pissy together; run around like little kids banging on saucepans in the countdown to 2006 then make use of all night trains and go home and bonk like crazy to see the new year in".

Maybe my expectations are too high?

Perhaps I am destined stay at home wearing dressing gown and drinking Baileys after all? Insert >but you've always got hanging around dodgy pubs pashing randoms to fall back on< comment here, thanks.

Yippee. Telstra just sent me an MMS wishing me a happy new year. Cunts. Despite the fact that their message really is for subliminal for "happy spending up big on your mobile/home bill and making us rich in 2006", it's arrived four days early. Fucking Telstra. They can never get anything right.


The Mutant said...

Good ol' new years, sadly I'm stuck with the same dillema... what the fuck to do??? I'd love an invite to some fancy soire (sp?) from, well anyone. Instead I can see myself getting maggoted and stumbling around the streets of Mount Gambier, talking to stangers, pashing straight men and passing out in my driveway. Much like every other bloody weekend.

Care to join me?

somewhat-sober said...

oh my, jungle boy needs instruction!

i agree on the nye thing - frequently what is promissed to be a fab night turns to arse. my personal preference for nye activities is drinking bashes at friends houses (or mine), this year it is a friends house - hopefully i don't bring home random boys and deny them sex again!

Hambo said...

This year I really have nothing to do. But if this year is like last year, I will get a last minute (or last hour) invitation to a house party.

I'll probably have a cup of tea and head to bed early this year.

tokenwoman said...

At least you got a half assed present- I got zilch, pretty much.

As for NYE, all I want is a new years kiss, random or not, not too bothered who.. I had never thought of a cop though... Might have to go somewhere near a station... There is still a whole 48 hours to plan it!