Saturday, December 17, 2005

I, err....Ummmmm

Note time and date of post??? That's right. It's nearly 11pm on a Saturday night, and I'm fucking here on the computer. Fuck.

I've hauled my own ass off to the naughty step; I was a bad bad little girl at yesterday's Christmas party, and I'm spending the night tonight drying out and contemplating the consequences of my actions.

Martie's recipe for disaster:



which was actually much more like this:

Blend well, then add the following:


+ some more

with a very liberal dose of Essence of Ex-Fucker and a shot of Sentimentality-magnified-being-the-time-of-year-that-it-is and you will be well on your way to:

+ some more

Serve over ice, in a tall glass and proceed to block out memory of taxi ride home with (much) older industry colleague. Fucking wrongtown.

Is Monday a public holiday or something????


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Christmas parties. Always the source of many a embarrassing and/or awkward moment for weeks after for those who just can't say no to a bevvie or 10. I share your pain!

tokenwoman said...

I don't particularly want to go to work tomorrow either. Our weekends sound almost identical.

I am planning on getting a new job early in the new year- is that an option for you?

Martie said...

MichelleSarah - early finish it is, although getting thru the week to get to said early finish is the issue

Sarah - pain shared is pain halved, but I still don't like being one of those xmas party statistics. Bad stuff!

TW - A new job has been on the backburner for a couple of years now - but yeah, now I'm going to step it up (not really a result of xmas party though, just because I really need to!)

The Mutant said...

Mmmmm, the joys of the office christmas party - with all it's inappropriate comments in front of management, sexual innuendo, loutish behaviour, karaoke (even if none is provided) and displays of borderline alcoholism. Well thats how I remember mine. Or at least the early part of the night, before everything got clouded in an alcoholic haze.

You are not alone Martie - As per usual for a work function with free grog, I forgot to say no when the going got tipsy and turned myself into a spastic lunatic. All this before the function even started and we were still on the bus on the way to our destination. For the next five hours I made a complete ass of myself.

Looking back however it's not so bad, at least I bothered to bring my personality. Without me there would be no water-cooler gossip. And thats right, I just remembered that I really don't give a fuck what anyone at work thinks of me. Plus I picked up... yipee! MERRY SODDING CHRISTMAS TO YA AL

Martie said...

Never mind the memories, but I'll be gladly plyed with alcomohol anytime!

Martie said...

Fuck I hate having to do word verification on my own blog