Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Detox Diary #3

The detox was good. Lost two kilos in first week, of which 1.5K was body fat, which is very good.

The past two weeks have been considerably harder.

It's hard to cook for one person.

I can't choose nice apples for shit.

I was so scared to weigh in last week that I put it off until this Thursday thinking I'd be really good. I was wrong.

Somehow I seem to slip into the mindset of having some chocolate, or pasta, and don't really care that I've just paid a nutritionist $350 to fix my diet.

I have a terrible relationship with food. I have a terrible relationship with my self-confidence.

My nutritionist gave me a goal of losing 10kg by Christmas. This has placed considerable stress on me (the only thing that I stress over is my weight), and what do I do when I'm stressed? Look for comfort food.

I feel like I'm a failure because I never can muster up the willpower to stick to something like this. Even moreso this time, because it's not a diet per se, it's simply what I should be eating.

Thoughts of avenging myself in a black bikini when I happen to 'bump' into the Ex-Fucker next time are all but lost, leaving me feeling even sicker and hating myself even more.

I am hopeless.


foolish_ said...

Having read your blog only recently, it's taken a bit to get up to date, but honestly, no, you're not hopeless.

In a way, i have to thank you for writing about your de-tox/weight loss plan thing. I'm to see nutrionalist too but am scared coz vce exams got me stressed, and yes, comfort food has been my best friend as well...

Good luck~

Martie said...

Foolish - good luck to you too. I am going back tomorrow night, and will get a new food plan, so I'm going to put in the extra effort for the next couple of weeks.

Dollop - You make me laugh. My nutritionist said "yeah, have almonds. But only seven".
Seven? What the fuck is up with that? Seven is the answer to mankind.

Steph said...

Bad time of year to try the healthy living thing. If you can do it now, nothing will stop you. Good luck with it Martie.

Martie said...

That sounds like seven different kinds of fun!

DJ said...

I am hopeless
(end quote)

Thats so not true. The fact that you're writing about your trials and expereinces here is testament to that.
I'd be one of the laziest people around, if I can get off what was once a considerably larger ass and lose weight, so can you.

Is it easy? Heck no.
In the first few weeks it shit me to tears. I'm part of the "Instant gratification" generation. I want to drop a pill or press a button or mail order some insta weight loss.
I didnt.

But everyone's different and appreciate that especially if you're cooking for one the temptation to cook less than ideally would be ever present.

All that said keep in mind that people are wishing for your success and we hope you'll keep on the detox path!