Tuesday, January 31, 2006

1000 Apologies Master

Apologies for lack of blogging activities/commenting.

I'm more taped up than a bitch at a bondage club.

I 'appear' to have some sort of spinal injury and reading/typing with laptop on knee whilst in bed is not conducive to my convalescence.

Hopefully normal activity will resume when I am able to hold my neck up for any decent length of time (IE - longer than 10 seconds).

In the meantime, please enjoy the following image in honour of baby brother coming home on Sunday. Yes I know it's grainy but I am not in possession of a scanner and trust me I am still fuck off cute under all that...grain.

See you on the flip side bitches

M xx


The Mutant said...

Wait, yes I can see it, under all that grainy-ness you ARE fuck-off cute! Or maybe thats the connifer bush behind you, who can tell?

I know one thing though, piggy-tails are hot-as-fuck. And what the fuck is that thing you are cradling in your arm? Dog, doll or mailmans leg?

Martie said...

Dollop - would love to say that I fell off the swing onto bedroom floor, but reality is, there's not one thing that caused it. Bad posture at work, laptop in bed, the way I was sleeping; it's been a build up over time. A build up to some sort of car accident injury, obviously.

Kezza - I knew you wouldn't get it. It's a pussy!!!

somewhat-sober said...

posture is over rated :)

bitch to bosses about chairs, i managed to thieve a decent chair a few months ago and a whole lot of the dramas i was having from an old neck/shoulder injury have gone away

btw, the tape sucks, i hope for your sake you don't get allergic to it :)

Steph said...

Nothing worse than back ache....well a dose of genital warts would be, but yeah, get well soon.

tokenwoman said...

Your back better be fixed in time for that D & D ball!