Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Gamble

Anyone who knows me knows that a haircut is akin to pulling teeth for me. So, like my annual trip to the dentist - I took myself off to a 'recommended' salon for a new 'do. Now I'm looking all a bit straggly. And violet-red streaky. And...maybe it will be better when I wash it.

And oh - blessed news! I have one job interview tomorrow. Fabulous. One suspects that violet-red is not-so-hot in the corporate world at the mo'.

Maybe these red streaky things, oh-so-hot on coy asians, will give me a fiery redhead (NOT fantapants) attitude that I so desperately need at the moment. You see, I have made up my mind; I'm going to break up with the Jungle Boy.

Yes yes, I know I've said it before (lots), this time I'm oh-so-serious. And it's not about the dressinggown. It's been one looong week of ignoring me...I know that he's busy at work - but it takes nothing to say hi.

* Never asked me how my visit to the nutrionist was on Monday (fine thanks, LOST 0.3 kg's over the 3 week holiday period of eating shit and not training).
* Never responded to my distress call when told of the $2.5B bill that I would be receiving for my car soon. Seems my snazzy little European car, needs some snazzy little European brake discs and pads, and some special little tyres to go with it. I wasn't asking for the money, I was just upset.
* Hasn't asked me anything at all about the job interview that I am going to tomorrow. Nothing. Hasn't even wished me good luck.
* Hasn't asked me anything about my haircut, even though he knew how terrified I was of going in the firstplace.
* Told me that I couldn't get a 'lesbian' haircut (read: anything above the shoulders, or short and spiky), but that he could get wanky blond tips, and GROW A BEARD if he wanted.

Oh gosh, I do sound like a complaining old bag, don't I? Problem is, you could take any week, and it would still be like that, just different scenarios. We have such a brilliant time when we're together, that I keep thinking that it will all 'work itself out'. I am honestly really upset at the thought of it all, but when shit like above happens, while he's professing that he feels 'empty' when he's not with me, I just don't know what to think. I need to have one of those 'chick flick' revelations, where I decide that no man ain't ever gonna treat me bad again. ("I am not a doormat, I am not a doormat").


Ben said...

Martie, you gotta dump that zero and get yo self a hero.

I did NOT just use that expression - it's all in your imagination.

Hambo said...

I think I must be going crazy ben, I've been hearing that all day.

Martie, Martie, Martie, how was your visit to the nutrionist on Monday? Really, what happened? Oh, you need a training partner.

$2.58 for some snazzy Euro brake discs and pads. Bargin. Don't know why your upset, but here is a hug.

So this job interview you have. Whats involved? You have the right stuff. They would be idiots not to hire you. Chin up, you'll do just fine.

So whats your hair cut like? Really, sounds hot. If only I can see it. Theres nothing to be worried about. If anything bad happens to it, complain, get it fixed up and ask for you money back too. Im sure it looks hot on you.

I wouldn't mind if you got a "lesbian" hair cut. So long as I can grow my hair long.

Is the the place for the boyfriend auditions?

Desci said...

maybe a big breakup talk will kick him into gear? As in, tell him *why* you're doing it, and don't just freeze him out or similar. That way, if you really mean that much to him, he'll have a chance to get it through his head that if he wants you, he's gonna have to work a little harder.

Anonymous said...

So, Martie.

How did the job interview go?

Enny said...

Sounds like you need to tell him, ignore his "I'll try more this time's", enjoy the D&D and realise that it's for the better...

But then, I'm no expert and in previous relationships I had a lot of trubble with step two.

Ben said...

Oh crap, ignore that comment - I was a tad drunk. Really need to stop drinking in front of the computer.

Martie said...

Ben - say wha'?

Hambo - Boyfriend auditions are on the 18th February!

Dollop - so pleased you've joined me in the glassing of boys with blond tips. So. Fucking. Wrongtown.

Desci - You're probably right. I could be a bit more communicative about how I'm feeling about the whole situation. And I did say that I would give him until V-day to sort his shit out. I just have to work out what to say.

INH - Interview went surprisingly well - was in there for an hour, which is always a good sign. Have to now decide about the money though - it's not quite what I was wanting.

Enny - lack of willpower regarding Step Two sounds exactly like me with the Ex-Fucker. And somehow, I was the one who ended up getting dumped! We just have to keep up the manta 'it's for the better'.

Martie said...


Hambo said...

Im getting a hair cut then, its already to long (for me)

Martie said...

Bahahaha Dollop - are you still trying to have the photos destroyed?!

Ruby - don't you hate that?! I can spout off EXACTLY what I want to say to everyone else but. And I am one of those people that will say what you said to me, when they do the same!

Rubydot said...

I strongly suspect that aforementioned chick flick moment of revelation is going to hit you like a bolt of lighting when he opens the door with blonde tips and a beard.