Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A Moral Question

Because you know that I'm no good at the moral stuff. I can't decide if I am immoral, or amoral. Maybe a bit of both. Or maybe I do have good morals, but am just influenced by the dark side on some occasions.

Right. Well, on with the show:

Is it 'ok' for a Girl, that has a 'boyfriend', to accompany her best buddies to this very classy event? Keep in mind, the emphasis on the question is not is it ok to attend this festy meat market stylish soiree, but rather to attend if one has a man at home?

Some parameters for you to consider:


* Best Buddy accompanied said girl to previous events when she was man-ned up
* Aim is not to 'pick up'; just dress up, drink up, and lap teh hottness up (translation, watch others make fools of themselves)
* Killing Heidi are playing*
* Guys in suits are hott
* Alcomohol
* Get to go on rides (Venue: Luna Park)


* Attendance by Girl the previous previous year did not make the Ex-Fucker (at the time, just the Fucker) very happy
* Dressing up means effort; drinking up means generally YOU will make an fool out of yourself and 'pick up' a younger guy with a dick the width of a Coke can (NO SHIT)
* Killing Heidi are playing*
* To get alcomohol, you have to pay $105 bucks. There are budget restrictions.
* Chance that while on rides, inebriated fuckers might spew all over you. Noice.

So, what is a Girl to do?

* One of these statements is a bold faced lie.


tokenwoman said...

I would go.

And I think the Killing Heidi thing is a pro. I'll bet you are a closet fan..

Hambo said...

Pro: Hambo might be there.
Con: Hambo might be there, drunk.

Anonymous said...

$105 schmackers??!!

Blood hell, for that I'd want all my drinks served by obsequious flunkies in sold gold glasses (and guaranteed sex later in the night).

Still, should make a ripper post tho'.

Jamie said...

The Boy owes you after recent events, I reckon. Go.

Desci said...

Hambo - I only see two pros :P

Martie, I was weighing it up in my head, thinking about the pros and cons, and what I was going to suggest.

Then I got stuck on the coke can thing.

Really? A COKE CAN?!

Desci said...

Oh, sorry, also: I'd say go if you think you'll have $105 worth of fun. But you know you're gonna try and get your money's worth, get hideously drunk and pash boys. It's written in the stars.

So a whole coke can. Lengthwise, too? Like, seriously a coke can?

Martie said...
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Martie said...

TW - I'm many things in a closet, but a fan of KH I'm not. Many moons ago...

Hambo - I'm with Desci - there could only be pros

INH - What concerns me most is the ability to get to a front of a bar to actually order a drink, let alone having them served 'fancy by beautiful people. I'm sure I could get my money's worth, but whether I'll actually GET it, is another story.

Hack - You're on my wavelength - this is where my dilemma is heading. For the most, you wouldn't want you partner to be attending a singles ball, but given his recent selfishness, and my 'pure' intentions, I'm struggling to see where there's a problem. Should I wear the dressing gown to appease him?

Desci - It was most sobering experience with the cock yet. I even went home and got a can of Coke out of the fridge for comparison. It was all girth; there was no length, but that didn't mean that it was coming anywhere near me.

No shit. It was a COKE CAN!

Enny said...

I'd fee a bit bad about the person I got partnered up with if I never had any intention of popping their dateless cherry.

But then I'd get my $105 worth of grog and stop worrying about it.

Martie said...

The beauty about that Enny is that you can choose whether or not you get matched up.
I would err on the side of not, even if I was single.

Enny said...

What are you waiting for then?! The ppl have spoken. ;o)