Friday, January 13, 2006

Wow! That colour really matches your eyes.

Yo. Okay well it was an overwhelming yes, so it seems that Cinderella will be going to the the ball after all. Especially if Mr Hottness himself is going to be there. I've decided that my quasi-single status renders me available for going, and whatever else may come up.* However, as I explained to this fine lass in Canberra, I won't be getting myself set up with anyone. Too much risk of ending up with a guy wearing one of these:

"Mmmmm, baby. Nice vest".

Stay tuned for such exciting posts as: 'Losing booty for dress'; 'OMGWTFBBQ!!!!1! Which colour nailpolish goes better?'; 'Should I really wear that feather boa?'; and 'The night I copped a feel of Hambo (after he'd taken off his vest).** That's quality right there folks.

In other random shit, could the woman above me, who insists on vacuuming her floors at 12:30am on a school night, PLEASE STOP. I'm trying to blog surf intermanet for porn sleep.

Hurrah, just realised that tomorrow is Friday the 13th! Spookfest ahoy. *note to self to check TV guide for lame horror movies* Please remember not to walk under any ladders, or fuck any black cats. Well, you know what I mean. Be vigilant, people!

In more random shit, I need a new wallet. And I've found exactly the one, so if you happen to come across Jungle Boy, please let him know that I DESIRE the teal wallet at Oroton that I drooled over just before Christmas. I'm giving him one last chance on Valentine's day (or anyday really), before I become full-i single.

Lastly, I'm on holidays next week! Hurrah! Not so much hurrah that I'm going away anywhere, but still. No work! Am already so busy though - getting my car serviced; nutritionist (Oh. Fuck.), kickboxing, lunch with friends, etc, etc, so there won't be much time for reading. Which truly sucks, because I was hoping to catch up on some good books that I have lying around enticingly.

Oh, and this weekend, I'm having sexual relations & peanut m&m's. Hurrah!

* - Get your minds out of the gutter. I was not referring to any penises.

** - Completed fabricated and wildly imaginative statement, Caz


Desci said...

If you go the fiddle with Hamswah, you must, must promise to tell me everything - otherwise I'll die of jealousy...

Unless we discover he's packing a coke-can.

Ben said...

Yo Martie, have yourself a blast - but don't forget you still owe me a Vodka slurpie.

Martie said...

Desci - you've got it!! That's why his website is called 'Making Girls Run'. Genius!

Ben - Find us a 7/11, and let's go nuts!

Desci said...

I'll keep thinking that's why, so I stop the bad thoughts. Heehee.

Hambo said...

Im just going to back away for a minute. WHATS THAT BEHIND YOU?


Chai said...

Hiya, Occasasional reader, first time commentor. Just came via Steph's blog. Looks like I'm No. 9 (commentor). The trick is if u respond to each comment, u'd double your comment count! Try it, it actually works! It *is* all about the numbers... Nahh.. just kidding. Was just trying to help boost your count. C'ya.

Martie said...

Caz - bet you can't wait for the post-groping post...

Ruby - I got set up once - hence my fear of horrible vest-like creatures. Drinking & Dancing & Riding (??!) are the only things on the agenda.

Dollop - You are such the stud.
*Runs out to buy bottle of jaeger*

Hambo said...

D00D, not to turn this into a geek fest, but I have some Xbox Live buddies who, when ever they are online, are drinking nothing but jaeger. I've been meaning to try it.

Now back on topic. You don't need to spend $105 to grope me. Im free for the public to use.

Hang on, that didn't come out right.


Janet said...

Heya Martie!
Have you been to the Little Collins street Oroton store? It's a delicious little discount outlet. Unfortunately, I discovered it after I amassed my Oroton collection (such is my luck), but I hope your teal wallet turns up there soon!

Chai said...

hiya caz, marti had commented that she wanted to increase her comment count. So I thought I'd oblige. It was a friendly gesture, Marti. No malice intended. Oh yeah, if you take out word verification, those spammers sure boost your comment count. OK, maybe a little bit of tongue in cheek.

Martie said...

Chai - I sit here again and still cannot honestly work out if your first comment was a pisstake or not.

However - thanks for the count boost!

Chai said...

OK... there I was, on Stephs blog, then I read your comment regd comment count. So I say to myselves, "Lets go check it out". And the rest is history. It was a non malicious visit. Anytime.

Martie said...

Chai - I honestly appreciate you reading my blog. and leaving me a comment. Just wasn't sure, that's all. :-)

Martie said...

And Auburn - I often try to distinguish the two...