Monday, March 06, 2006


Because I am scared of the dark, I have been fucking around with the blog, so you might notice some changes to titles, the name, picture, etc, etc. I wish I had the know-how to change other aspects, but you know, I can't be a fucking genius at everything.

It is my full intention to fuck around with it every month or so, to showcase exactly how hip and down with it I am. Or probably to reveal that I have the attention span of a Mintie wrapper, and I get bored easily. Whatevs.

You might also notice my links are back up. Due to an unforeseen AC adaptor incident, I lost my whole list, so there might be some missing. If so, I apologise - please comment or email me and I will add you back up.

Meanwhile - I am back in my blogger crush mode!!!!!!!!1!


The Mutant said...

Blogger crushes... how sweet. Only fucked up thing is I tend to have blogger crushes on girlies! HA HA HA imagine that!

And then there's you Martie, so much more than a crush! Let the hairy man-hunt begin!

Jamie said...

Ham-BO! Ham-BO! Ham-BO!

Enny said...

*Still waiting to find out who it is!!!*

Anonymous said...

w00t, excitement in the blogosphere!

good luck with it all, you and the other commenters have been making me laugh my guts up :)

Martie said...

D - you are much like a normal crush.

Kezza - Cannot wait until you hit Melbourne so that we can pile our hairy man crushes for extra excitement!

Hack - Now you sound like you're in the Oprah Audience.

Enny - I tried to drop a few hints in my newest post...

Flash - I hope you've got private health cover ;-)

Hambo said...

W00t w000t w00t w00t!

So who is it? Who is it??