Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Next stop: Schoolies

Oh, for the love of regular posting.

By the time I'm getting home, I don't even want to face a computer.

However, something happened to restore my faith in mankind...

Last night, against my better judgement, I played netball again.

And what did the fresh faced 17 year old I was playing on, happen to ask me while the ball was down the other end?

"So, what high school do you go to? What subjects are you studying?"

Oh honey. I was probably looking after you in after school care.

Watch out for Martie in a short tartan skirt and school tie, coming to some patch of Victoria near you.

And oh. Note that I was stood up TWICE on Saturday night, and never got my Cold Rock. Are there any takers? Does anyone want to take me to get some M'FUCKING ICE-CREAM WITH SNAKES IN IT? Do I have to auction myself off? I JUST WANT ICE-CREAM. ICE CREAM.

Because, if I'm looking like I'm 17, I'm damn well going to act like it.


Enny said...

We have Goodberries (the poor mans Cold Rock made with 'froghurt')... I'll mail you some ;o)

Hambo said...

Tartan Skirt?!?! 17!?!?! Ice-cream?!?! OOO OO OOOO!!!! Pick me!!! Pick ME!

Ben said...

I'm in Martie - but none of this snakes nonsense.

Orange Sorbet with Wizz Fizz.

It'll change your life.

divinetrash said...

Forget the snakes and the Wizz Fizz... Cold Rock ice-cream must be about all things chocolate and fattening; y'oughta be chucking in Mars bars and biscuits and fudge. ESPECIALLY when you get stood up!

Enny said...

Oh for the love of regular posting...!!!