Thursday, August 25, 2005

Hands up if you can.....

Hands up if you can:

1 - Suck a Strawberries & Cream lifesaver until the very end, without biting.

2 - Eat an Arnotts Chocolate Royal biscuit (you know, the ones with the puffy marshmallow all covered in chocolate), without smashing it on your head first.

3 - Walk past Mrs Fields without succumbing to the temptation of Macadamia Brownies

4 - Resist keeping $2 coins at work so that you are unable to empty snack machine of Malteasers.

5 - Go to Safeway without visiting lolly aisle and purchasing akin-to-lovemaking-chocolates Ferrero Rochers

6 - Withstand the pressure that, cheese, lovely cheese places upon you. Especially when it wants to get jiggy with some corn chips and sour cream.

7 - Eat something other than Microwave Popcorn for dinner.

8 - Walk past the Baileys that is eyeing you off on the bench, without stopping to taste it's creamy goodness.


*smashes head*

*with another biscuit*


DJ said...

1. Nope
2. Yes, well I 'peel' them first, but don't smash them
3. Yes
4. N/A. I work from a home based business
5. Yes
6. No. Cheese is my archilies heel
7. Yes.
8. Yes

Ben said...

I work at a rival chain so I shouldn't say this - but the peanut butter brownies at Mrs. Field's rock my pants.

Michael H said...

I feel so left out having not tasted these supposed brownies from the gods.

Scarily, i'm a Cheese tragic. You'll always find at least five different types of cheeses in the fridge and a heap of different crackers sitting at the top of the cupboard in case i'm feeling a little peckish.

/me scribbles away at list of things to do on next corporate trip over east.

Wayne Smallman said...

A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips...

Wayne Smallman said...

Well .. that's what my mam used to say, anyway...

Janet said...

1- no lolly-esque item (not even cough drops) can survive my mouth without a crunch

2- I tend to bite the top off, and then eat the chocolate bottomed biscuit

3- I'm more a Baker's Delighty kinda gal - custard scrolls or even apple and walnut scrolls...mmmm

4- I try!

5- At Safeway its always Jols or Extra drops. Stops me from wanting Toblerone

6- mmm cheese. Have you tried havarti? Even Kraft cream cheese is delish

7- Luckily I have another person to nourish, so dinners are behaved!

8- Baileys is great in coffee (or just milk, or even stirred through ice cream)

Thank god I've gotten back into the regime!

DJ said...

(quote) Have you tried havarti? Even Kraft cream cheese is delish (/quote)

I'm a sliced Jarlsberg from Safeway Deli person myself

Hambo said...

1- Any lolly I tend to crush into a fine paste.

2- You smash a biscuit on your head? LOL! I can say I can resist that urge.

3- Thats easy, I didn't know where or what that is.

4- I can't resist hording money either, but to put into a snack machine, I can resist that, Malteasers are cheaper in the lolly aisle at work.

5- Ferrero Rochers are over rated. But when I have one, I can't stop. Untill I've eaten the box out.

6- Bah, cheese.

7- Ahhh popcorn, the great stomach gap filler, makes you feel full when you have only eaten about 30 odd corn kernels.

8- Strangely I havn't got that problem either, even if you change the Baileys to a nice cold bottle of Tooheys Old.

LadyCracker said...

No I cannot resist any of those temptations.

Yours in sweet tooth slavery
