Sunday, March 27, 2005

Close your eyes, and I'll kiss you - Tomorrow I'll miss you

Thank you Australia, and now we hand you over to our sister show, No Talent Time. Random spurts of god-awful shite about random things, is much better than random spurts of god-awful shite about ex-boyfriends, a la my previous blog.

But seriously, I could bang on about anything that I want to, and there ain't a god darn thing that anybody can do about it. Because we got the bomb, ok? Err, actually, I have no bomb, and there's a lot that anyone can do (ie - not read), but sod all that stuff because if I feel like being indulgent, then I will. Just like drinking fat cow milk, everyone should indulge sometimes.*

Oh, I will probably still indulge about the Ex-fucker occasionally. Let off some steam, as it t'were. But as I sit here eating my little M&M speckled easter eggs (well, it's easter dammnit), the one thought dominating my brain is how the fuck do they determine when Easter is going to be. It appears to fall all over the place.

At least Christmas Day is consistent. 25th. December. It's like, Jesus was born at one time of the year, but can't really decide when he died, so we'll just take pot luck every year; one year we'll get it right.

Mind you, I never payed attention in religious education, and I haven't actually google searched this topic (it works for Andrew Bolt, right?), so I could quite possibly be ranting over nothing. Perhaps I'll do a quick search now. Nothing like live action is there? And it's all fully uncensored too.

Right. So there is an explanation. The date of Easter is calculated as the first Sunday after the paschal full moon, as these friendly people tell us. The Google search overwhelmed me, and all of that god stuff sends me to sleep, so a further explanation as to what a paschal full moon will probably not be forthcoming. But I do recall seeing a full moon in the sky last night, so that is kinda cool. On the other hand, I thought full moons were for wolves and hairy people, so, well......

Anyway, now that I've satisfied that curiosity (gee, you think the paschal full moon would have the decency to fall at the same time of year, every year), my next question; does America celebrate Easter? It sounds like a really odd question (my hair is not blonde, put those stereotypers away), but considering how much Americans make of other holidays, like Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc, then why don't we every hear anything about Easter? I demand to know why there aren't any Easter movies. Right, so just did another Google search; seriously far too overwhelming for me again. I'm sure there might be one or two out there. But where are all the Hollywood 'blockbusters', starring Tim Allen or Jim Carrey dressed up as some sort of evil Easter Bunny? Maybe that's what the Australian Film Foundation should be looking at; Easter movies. There's one market that the ol' US of A hasn't covered. Sweet. When do rehearsals start?

Martie's Judgement Day: Like a graduate from the Johnny Young Talent School, things can only go up from here. M&M speckled eggs are way better than normal M&M's and if anyone has any scripts for upcoming Easter blockbuster, I'll be in my trailer.

*Just to clarify, I only drink fat cow milk by itself. I use low fat milk with cereal and milo, etc. Because I just felt like having a star at the end of my post.

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