Monday, March 28, 2005

Vale Hessie

Ok, ok, it's going to be done to death (pardon the pun) all around the world, but cannot let the day go by without a mention of the apparent suicide of ex-Crowded House drummer, Paul Hester.

When I say apparent, all news reports have been fairly unclear on how Hessie actually died. Most have just said that he took his dogs out for a walk on Friday night, and didn't return. The alarm was raised and he was found dead in a park in Elwood, no suspicious circumstances. Well. That could mean anything really; he had a heart attack, stroke, etc. However the good money is on suicide.

I shouldn't be so flippant; suicide is not a topic to be flippant about. Hell, I can even empathise with the guy; since my break-up with the Ex-Fucker, there have been times where I have been feeling lonely and depressed, and have felt like lining The Beast up in front of a pole and ramming it head first. These feelings aren't ones to be fucked around with, and luckily I have been able to pull myself out the hole on all occasions, more often than not with some music and dancing. Obviously Paul wasn't that lucky.

So Paul, whatever was so fucked up in your life; I hope you now rest in peace. Thanks for the brilliant memories of Split Endz and Crowded house, and good times at the Espy.

Martie's Judgement Day: I hope that this doesn't prompt a worldwide search for a reality TV show to find a new drummer should Crowded House ever reform. Martie also wants to know what happened to his dogs????

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