Sunday, March 27, 2005

Let your hair hang down

I have had the unfortunate pleasure of only just hearing the 'Australian Supergroup's cover of Evie' Don't get me wrong, I saw them when they performed at the Arias, and thought it was kinda cool in an ironic, daggy sorta way.

But then they banged on at the Tsunami benefit concert, and now it's all over the radio. Well, the illustrious Triple MMMBop anyway. But fuck me if they haven't recorded Parts I, II & III. I thought it was only Part I. And that was bad enough. Now we have Bernard Fanning banging on about being in love, etc in Part II and Phil Jamieson getting all angsty in Part III. Mind you, Phil Jamieson can get all angsty with me, but that's a whole other story.

Really, couldn't they leave well enough alone? I have fond memories of driving around listening to that song in my Dad's car when I was little, and making up the video clips for each part in my head. Now it's all spoilt by images of sweaty australian musos wailing away (Bernard Fanning, what were you thinking?), acting all ironic and hipster like. Mind you, I wouldn't mind getting all sweaty with Phil Jamieson and Chris Cheney, but that's a whole other story.

Good ol' Nicky Chester gushes that they did it to "create a new awareness of the careers of Stevie Wrights and The Easybeats". Well, Nicko, you and your contemporaries have only served to highlight Stevie Wright's name with drugs and sleeping in one's car. Poor guy. Why couldn't they leave well enough alone. And Chris Chaney doesn't even get a lead singer gig. Ripped. Off.

Martie's Judgement Day: What's next for our very own supergroup?? Sadie the Cleaning Lady? A pub with no beer? What about Me? Whoops, sorry guys, Shannon's already taken that one. Really, couldn't you have pooled your considerable talents together, and come up with something original? Now, that would be a supergroup effort.

NB - For those about to launch attack, for the record I am a big fan of The Living End, You Am I & Dallas Crane; I like Powderfinger, and can tolerate Jet and Spiderbait *shudder 'black betty' shudder* (BTW - where has Kram gone - I thought he was master drummer on this single?). I could tolerate them all in a 'supergroup' as well. Just. Prefer. Creativity. Leave the covers to Australian Idol and X Factory.


DJ said...

Oh thank god, someone else who thinks this track should have been left alone, you can't improve on perfection

Martie said...

*pushes ministry of sound CD into dark corner* Ahem. Yes. I agree. But the kids must like it. Any higher rotation on 'RandommmFm', and it will be chiming the hour.