Thursday, March 31, 2005

What to do, what to do?

Oh. My. Fucken. God. Or, OMFG! if you are a LOLCoolJ person-type.

I have a phone number. Not just any old phone number, JJ's phone number. He emailed it through last night about midnight (can't sleep, can't breathe, can only cough. A lot. Hence why I was up so late).

Anyway, what am I supposed to do with it? I can't call. It's just not right. I am not mentally prepared for this. I like e-mail flirting. I like the power of the written word. I am no good at it in real life. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Can they cancel your blog for excessive use of the word Fuck? Fuck.

This is what I got at the end of his deliciously flirty email:

"Cheer up, you'll get better soonish. Yup, me with the cheeryness. And lost

04__ ___ ___

PS. Unsublte hint to call me sometime"

Ok. Well the was late at night. But seriously, the pressure is now all on ME to call HIM. Which is nearly as bad as me giving my number, then waiting for him to call me. I can't even answer my own phone. Example from about a week ago, when I was out with The Tart:

Ring Ring

ME: "It's a private number"

ME: "I can't answer it. You answer it"

TART: "Who is it?"

ME: "I don't know, it's a private number"

TART: "Well give me your phone dammit"

ME: "Ok, answer it and pretend to be me. No! Don't pretend to be me. Just say I'm not here. I'm somewhere else. Actually say that I've just gone to get a drink or something and you heard my phone ring. Actually, if it's a boy that I don't know, pretend that you're me, Cats & Dogs style. If it's the Ex-Fucker...."

TART: "Just give me the fucking phone"

As it turns out, it was just some dumb market research dumb call and no-one exciting. But the point is: I have a phone phobia. Phone conversations are awkward and not right when you don't really know the person. Face to Face is much better. I only ever speak on the phone if I am arranging to go out or something and need to discuss stuff. Fuck. What to do, what to do.

Plus, my call rate is like 88.575c per 19.5seconds and a flagfall of about $10 but only a Friday. Every other day, it's 27.82c, excluding GST. Fuck. I'm such a tightarse.

What should I do???

NOTE: Rising call costs are a valid reason not to call someone, because I say so. And I will have no suggestions that I am a chicken. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Martie, you're a chicken. Buk Buk Bukkkawwwww!

why not just call the guy?


Martie said...


Yes, damn, you got me! I compromised and sent him my all turned out rather interesting