Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Attempt #1759

You might totally think that I'm all

(Not actual brain. Perhaps try Drainage Pattern: associated with the work of streams, etc)

now that I have been invited to my very first suicide party. Boy, that Ex-Fucker of mine really knows how to party like it's 1999, hey?

But, Like Fuck I Am.

I'm not mental. I may draw pleasure from simple things like balloons and coloured straws, but at least I don't go round slashing people in the face with my stanley knife.

Anyway, for countless times, I've been trying to lose weight. 800 in fact. Just while I have been writing this blog.

But anyway, I know what to do - I just have to do it. And now I have an 'event' that I can use as a kick start.

So. September.

I've got a black and white dress that busts out the BEST CLEAVE in the business, which I want to wear with black tights, a nice pair of rounded toe shoes (if I achieve my goal, I'll buy myself a new pair), and a little black cardi. With red accessories (hairpiece/jewellery/lipstick - if I can pull it off).

So. My task starts today. I NEED to fit into that dress, if only because I can't afford to buy a new one.



Puss In Boots said...

I'm not sure what you've tried in the past, but Jenny Craig worked for me. When I was with the abusive ex, he thought I was anorexic because I was a size 6 when he met me and I didn't each much (I still don't each much, I just have a very slow metabolism and hardly ever get hungry. I usually only eat a salad sandwich at lunch and then a light dinner and that's it. But I digress!).

Anyway, he forced me to eat larger portions more frequently because he was convinced I had an eating disorder. And he wouldn't let me exercise. Thanks to my slow metabolism, I went from a size 6 to verging on a size 14 in less than 6 months. I was totally depressed. And then he cheated on me because I was fat.

Anyway, after I finally got rid of him, I tried to lose weight. I tried Weight Watchers, but being told I can eat anything I want as long as I stay in a points range just doesn't do it for me. If a packet of chips is 17 points, I'll just eat them and nothing else for the rest of the day. So yeah, that didn't work.

Jenny Craig was great. I need structure, and they tell you what to eat and when to eat it. Then they slowly wean you off of it so you're able to make your own choices and decisions. I lost nearly 20kgs in just over 12 weeks, and I've never put it back on again.

So yeah, I'm not sure what you've tried (or how much you have to lose), but Jenny Craig worked for me :) Plus, you don't have to attend classes and feel like a bug under a microscope. I like being antisocial.

Anyway, you'll be fine. That Ex Fucker is a moron, and I really think you should change your number or something so he can't contact you anymore. He's not good for your health.

Hambo said...

Anyway, you'll be fine. That Ex Fucker is a moron, and I really think you should change your number or something so he can't contact you anymore. He's not good for your health.

Here here. I'm not sure if he has ever sent you a message worth reading, but it her never has, or at least not since you broke up with him, then I suggest you delete the messages he sends without reading them. Saves you changing your number and tell everyone you actually care about.

Oh, and I'm sure you will be Hott come September. Thats Hot with a extra "t" so its better.

Enny said...

I 'started again' on Monday - my short range target it my trip to melbourne this month (at least 1kg lighter) and then martial arts event in October.

So that makes two of us =o)

Desci said...

Outfit sounds the hottness. Also - everyone can pull off red lipstick; as long as it's the right red for your colourings (blue-red, orange-red, pink-red, etc)