Monday, August 14, 2006


My life is so HUZZAH at the moment.

I honestly couldn't even read all the way through that last post; so I apologise now to everyone that had to endure it.

I've sent two apology text messages (This bloke doesn't deal through phone calls, etc - I KNOW. I JUST ANSWERED MY OWN QUESTION AGAIN), and have heard nothing, so, I'm going to leave it at that.

Thou shalt be left with a smattering of dignity.

And now, I'm off to kickboxing to uh, kickbox it all out. Not that I can really be bothered. I don't know that I will be able to deal with a guy handing out orders to me tonight.

And yes, I'm glad some people concur with my 18 month theory. Thank you ever so much. I'm going to get the lease drawn up tomorrow, and then maybe start planning my (solo) trip to Europe in 19 months time.

A girl's gotta have dreams, AND THIS ONE IS STILL WIDE AWAKE!



Anonymous said...

Martie, I lurk on your blog all the time, and I have to tell you that I think you are doing the right thing letting him go.

I know its hard, and us women have a tendancy to want to fix things rather than just move on - but I think you really need to chase your dreams.

Repeat after me: I deserve better! (and then try believing it).

Enny said...

Kickbox must be in the air - I finally bought a free-stand frame and aquired a punching bag (not The Hun) woot!

Martie said...

I love the anonymous lurker shit. You have cheered me immensely by telling me you lurk! Anyway, I do deserve better. I do! I do! I just need to remove it from saying I deserve better...from him!

Enny - all that, and no punching or no kicking. Instead, I got to take out my frustration on a...treadmill. Sux!