Monday, August 14, 2006

Boohoo. Woe is Me. Etc.

This is probably going to be a long, rambling post. It probably won't even stay up very long. It's probably going to be in mosts parts very poorly written and all 'poor me' but I've got to write it. I've got to get it out of my system. So go eat a bag of dick if you don't like it.

It's so hard when the person who you consider to be the absolute love of your life, doesn't reciprocate your feelings. Or at least you think he doesn't. And he hates you. And doesn't think you're very nice. And won't return your text messages. Which makes you even more desperate and send more saying sorry. Let me explain.

In short, the lease on my place is up in a month. The rent is going up $10, but I have the option of locking it in for six months, a year, 18 months or 2 years. So far, no one has been much help with what I should do. Let me stress, I don't want people to make the decision for me; I just want some considered opinions.

Jungle Boy, with whom I've been going out for over a year now, hasn't been much help in this respect. But I guess what I realise now is that with wanting his help about what I should do, I also wanted some clarity on where the future of our relationship lies.

After having a huge fight with my parents tonight about what I wanted to do (sign for 18 months - I made my descision today), I was feeling all confused again. Especially after talking to my friend Grace, who said I should only sign for six months.

I asked JB what he thought. Honestly, I've never had to make a descision like this before, and, considering the market, interest rates, etc, I thought some advice from people who have their shit together WOULDN'T HURT. Let me stress, that I have never pushed the point about living together, kids, marriage, etc. I've always been quite content to go on my merry way, and wait to see what the future held.

Except, I started talking about the lease - my eighteen month time frame I THOUGHT was pretty good. Enough time to do my own thing, but just in case other things came up, a good enough time to get out. I mooted the possibility of two, or even three years. 2 years, I could nearly handle, but three is not really what I want. Let me now stress again that bringing up the possibility of three years was not solely a test to see how he felt about our relationship; I will admit it was a little, but I was thinking along the saving money by locking in the rent line as well: I do still have to look out for myself too.

To him now though, I probably look like one of those pushy chicks etc. I'M NOT!!! I feel all neurotic, and often lack self-confidence, but the last thing I would want to do is push someone into something. Please trust me on this one. But I am a planner, and an organiser, and it would be nice to have clarity on how someone feels about you (I know he purportedly adores me, but is it adore for 'now', or something that you could maybe feel for the rest of your life?), and where they think the relationship is going.

I know, I could be an adult, and just ask him. But something gives me the impression that he is not comfortable talking about stuff like that, and he has even said as much. Because he is not used to having someone to talk to etc, etc. And yes, I know I am answering my own question, but let's push on hey?

So, in all of my Fucked Up Martie Wisdom, I thought that I could find out while he gave me some help. Because honestly, if the roles were reversed, and he was thinking about signing a lease for such a long period of time, I'd probably say that I had plans for maybe taking the relationship a step further, and it would be within those three years, and maybe only sign it for a shorter period.

So you can see how I assumed that he obviously doesn't feel the same way as I do; when I agreed with me when I suggested the three years. So yeah, in some More Fucked Up Martie Wisdom, I took it as a sign that this was him letting me down gently. And then I told him it was all cool, and at least I know how he feels now, etc etc. Neurotic. Insecure. Yes, I did admit it.

So he basically thinks that I tricked him now, and that he doesn't think what I did was a 'very nice way to go about it'. By that I think he means that it wasn't a very nice way to go about finding out how he felt about things. And yes, I'll reiterate, I should have just asked him straight out. But, here's the next bit...

I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what he'll say. I'm afraid of rejection. I'm afraid of putting it out there, and getting it thrown back in my face. With the Ex-Fucker, it was easy. We both knew (or at least he pretended very well) where we were heading, and how we felt about each other. Now, with JB, I feel that very same way, but I don't know how he feels. Again, I'm probably answering my own question (if you can't communicate openly about stuff...), but I'm ridiculously in love with him.

Actually, even as I write that, I think it's a lie. I like him a lot, I think I do love him. But am I just in love with the idea that one day he is going to open up to me, and I'm going to break down all of the barriers he has up? Maybe it's a challenge, which is why I can't see past all the shit, because I think I'm going to crack the code at the end?? Maybe I'm answering my own questions again. I THINK I'M PRETTY FUCKING GOOD AT ANSWERING QUESTIONS, DOES ANYONE WANT ME ON THEIR TEAM FOR A TRIVIA NIGHT??

Maybe it's a distance thing. Maybe we just live too far away from each other's - we've both admitted that if we lived closer to one another, we'd be popping over all the time. Now, the drive is bring a six pack and a cut lunch. Maybe that's why we're not as intimate as we should be at this stage of a relationship? Because we don't see each other that often, so the communication still doesn't flow like it should. Or maybe I should stop comparing to previous relationships, and analyse this one on its merits?

Or maybe I should just throw this laptop at the window (a statement, not a question). This is driving me insane. I know it's nearly half past one in the morning, I know he's not going to text me back now anyway. I know I've probably blown my chance, by acting like a 16 year old.

There's snotty tissues lying all over my bed, and I have big puffy crying eyes, and I have to get up in five hours time, but, we'll push on, shall we?

I honestly, honestly, honestly did not mean to trick him. I can see how it might look that way, but it's not. Then when he really didn't protest against the three years, I just assumed. Maybe assumed wrongly, but what else was I meant to assume? just that he is missing a 'sensitivity chip', or if that's how he truly feels. He's a smart boy, so my bets were on the latter.

You know how I know he's smart? Because when I asked him how he went on his tax, he said 'good' and left it at that. If it was me, I would have said "I got $200 back", or similar. I have no qualms about that sharing that sort of stuff - especially when it's my boyfriend. Also, he got a payrise a few weeks ago - even though I asked, he never actually told me how much the rise was, or even how much he earns. Yet, I do & I have. I have never thought of it as a trade secret - sure you don't go round telling people at work, etc, but what does it matter if you're telling your partner?

Clearly, a lot. I might a have digressed a little, but I was just thinking of it then, and how it may be an indication that he keeps me shut out of his life. Kept at arm's length, except when he wants a root. How crass of me to say that.

Anyway, the short of it is; he never replied to my last text message, which indicates he is really fucking pissed off with me, especially since the one before that was the "not very nice" one. So I've to assume that it's over; it has to be over after this, surely? It's just one too many dramas when I'm around - I've really got to pull myself together, fuck it. If only I could play it cool - but sometimes I have that emotive voice in my head, and it seems to come out Sundays. Like the blonde thing last week. That stemmed from me being insecure on Sunday night, which led to him telling me that he liked blondes with big tits. Maybe it's because I get all emotional when he leaves - after seeing him for less than 24 hours? I feel insecure when he goes to have his regular Sunday night tea with his parents - after his mum rings him twice - maybe it's because I STILL HAVEN'T MET HIS PARENTS YET.

And yes, again I'm aware I'm answering my own question.

Ok, well now that I've written the longest, crappiest post in the entire history of blogging (see, I knew I'd be first at something) and chewed the ear off the nicest person in history, I'm gonna take my snotty tissues, and head to bed. Or at least, try and get some sleep, even though I'm just going to lay awake thinking about how much of an idiot I am.

Yours truly, etc



Desci said...

Martie, I love you, but he sounds like an insensitive, immature shit. You need to leave him. If you make the break it'll give you some of your confidence back (since you should have anyway, being an awesome person, etc) and hook up with someone who will idolise you, or at least treat you like an equal.

I wasted an extra year with Funzo (after it stopped being fun) because of fear, and then when I hooked up with Boyfriend I wondered why I'd waited. And I'm 100% happy now.

Do it. Garn.

(Also, I think an 18 month lease is good: Not much changes is a year, but a lot could change in two. As long as the rent isn't living above your means, then go for it).

Enny said...

Martie - More than a year is enough time for him to know where he wants to go with your relationship - he's jus being a jerk about it and doesn't seem to be taking your feelings into consideration. Whilst it's possible to 'overplan', it's more than reasonable to want to have some idea on whats happening when it comes down to where you're going to live for the next however long! It's not like you were asking for help in picking out wedding dresses or baby names - jus some advice on something he is somewhat involved in. HE'S the one making a big deal outta something that shouldn't be - and he had the opportunity to be reasonable and honest, and he chose not to be.

I think I've been thru something similar to you... my previous 'long term' relationship ended at my insistence - and then I 'changed my mind' - the fear of being alone was just too much. Thus started two months of pure torture- there was barely a night a didn't cry myself to sleep - I was so needy for him, so desperate for things to be what they were, but it was too late. Instead I persisted with sneaking in and out of his house too see him, VERY one sided intimacy and rules about what could be said/done: 'Don't tell anyone we're seeing each other' 'You can't kiss me on the mouth' ' I don't know if I love you but we'll wait and see'. I hated myself for the way I was acting and I hated the way I was letting myself be treated, but I didn't want him not to be there - I thought I was so desperately in love, but I was just desperate for SOMETHING.

In retrospect, I really wish I had told more people so that they could give me the strength to realise I deserved better than this - that by sticking around I was causing myself long term damage. And so I'd ask that you listen to Desci and I, and anybody else who tells you that you need to get away from it - get out while you still can. He's not good for you, and even if something can be salvaged it's never going to be what you want and what you deserve. The emotional detachment he's displaying by keeping walls up is a sign of this - and people don't change (as much as we think they should!.

Love'n'Hugs (n apologies for the ramble back!) ~ Enny

(PS - I'da recommended the 18mths too!)

Michael H said...

Ok, time for a male opinion to weigh in here. Scarily, I have to agree with Desci and enny on this one - a year is a long time in a relationship. If it's not on the same set of tracks you want to be going along, then it's time for you to either have a good chat with the co-driver to sort out the problem, or make the changes.

Having said all of that however, how does anyone expect to express all their feelings in 160 charachters or less! It fustrates me to all heck when people have something they need to get off their chest or something they need to say but won't do it in person. They resort to email, sms, or any number of the technologies that continue to clutter our lives. Does anyone else here remember how offended the public were when Phil Collins divorced his then wift by fax? Sure, sending an SMS to express your feelings or views might be easy but it does nothing to solve the problem and can only make it harder to convey what you are trying to say.

You both need to pick up the phone, and listen to what the other has to say. You never know, he may feel there's something worth saving too and there may still be some hope. If there's not, then it's time to do the decent thing and try to part ways on a high and not a low.

Martie said...

D - yes, that's it. I think it's the fear. But I think I'm thinking backwards - if I do it, then there goes my self confidence. I know - men shouldn't equal self confidence, but after all my friends virtually deserted me, he virtually became my self confidence. Scary. Yes.

Enny - I think his big deal is that he thinks I tricked him into revealing what his feelings are by pretending that I would go for three years. He's right - not a nice thing to do, but his reaction to it made me think that way.
Man! I can't believe what that guy did to you. Some people choose to play really fuck off nasty games with people. So glad you're with the Hun now!

Winchester - A male opinion! I totally agree with you - how does anyone ever expect to express themselves in a text msg. I'm a big believer in communication - that includes text msgs, but for important shit, there is no other way than face to face. Unfortunately, and I apologise in advance beacuse I know you likes the technology, but he is a tech head, and as my brother (a fellow tech head_ said, he is the first in a generation that don't know how to communicate properly face to face because they are so used to electronic communication.
So, I'd love to pick up the phone, or go round to his house, but it's not his style, and that's something I apparently have to deal with.

Puss In Boots said...

You've heard it all before, Miss Martie, and everyone else here has said everything I wanted to say. Leave him now.